The Class  NEWSLETTER                                                                         08/01/16





from Billy Jordan in Decatur, AL

I just returned from a week in Destin, FL. We have been vacationing here for about the last 15 years and always enjoy our stay. This year the beach water was the best I have ever seen in those 15 years. It was very clear, warm and free of debris and seaweed. No jelly fish or other bad things. The offshore wind was keeping the waves low which made it perfect just to stay out past the break and float with the slight swells. We had our one and a half year old and three and a half year old granddaughters with us. This was the first time either one had been to the beach. The three and a half year old got into the hang of floating with the waves and I the only way I could get her out of the waves was to take her to the pool. The one and a half year old took a couple of days before she was okay with the water. I took the three and a half year old on a Dolphin cruise but saw only a few and they were far off. The drive home was tough. It took us about 10 hours for what is normally a 6 hour drive. The traffic was just terrible. That is a problem when almost all the rental along this area of the Gulf Coast are a Saturday to Saturday term with all of them having a check out time of 10:00 AM. It took us three and a half hours to make the 80 miles from Montgomery to Birmingham. It is a good thing the stay was worth it.


All is well on the home front. Busy with grandkids as I am sure a lot of classmates are experiencing.


from Carolyn McCollum Elender in Houston

We are two weeks away from opening our new 7,300 sq. ft. expansion of our daycare “The Wiggle Room”.  It's a family business and a lot of fun. 


I'm looking forward to our next get together for our 50th reunion in 2016.



Many, many thanks for the donation to our website fund made by our supporter, Lynn Eldridge Gill.



This show is being held at the Alley Theatre on Aug. 27.  They are having a matinee on Saturday at 2:30 for “Thomas Jefferson Day”.  All former TJ students are invited.  At this time, an after party is being arranged by a few members of the class of '67 inviting all classes and guests.  I will send out an e-mail when the plans have been finalized. 


For more information, contact:

Rush Lynch

David Estes

Peggy Hunter Peterson


The Alley Theatre

615 Texas Ave.

Houston, TX 77002

Box Office is open noon-6 pm Monday-Saturday




100 yrs old

No one contacted me telling me that their parent had made it past 100 years old before they passed away.  So, I guess just my dad, Liz Tieskens' mom and

George Collins' dad that are in that elite group.


Robert “Bob” Sewell has just published his fifth book in a series.  You may now order The Challenge. I, along with several other classmates, have read the first four novels.  You don't want to put the books down as you get so involved with the characters.  My husband is NOT a reader and he has read all of them and is anxiously awaiting this next one! 


The series is called A SURGEON'S HEART.  The book titles are The Calling, The Conflict, The Crisis, and The Challenge.


All the novels in this series are available in both paperback and electronic formats. Go to for links to where you can find the book and the format you're looking for.


from Adela Cantu Martinez 

Come out and have some good food and listen to some great music by the High Street Band at Larry's Cajun Market on Friday, Aug. 5 from 6pm – 10pm.  Make your reservations early.  Hope to see you there.

75th B-D

My sister, Gerry Landry, is turning 75 years old August 17.  My niece is going to give her a small house party with family in Spring.  She lives in a private assisted living in Atascocita due to dementia and bi-polar.



Bailey, our 13 year old granddaughter, is going to be in charge of decorating the display cases in the foyer for August.  Guess what?  They are going to use my BASEBALL collectibles, well, most of them.  Not Mickey Mantle's autographed ball, for sure!  She will get community credit for her student council.  Stop by and see how well she did if you get a chance.



Procter Street or Proctor Street?

I am seeing the spelling of the street with an O in the older pics of Port Arthur but it is E in all the addresses in the phone book now.  Hmmm

Any comments from those who lived on Procter Street when we were growing up?  I know Sara Little lived in the 5100 block.



I had my spine surgery performed by Dr. Angel and assisted by Dr. Kabala at Christus St. Elizabeth in Beaumont on Thursday, July 21.  It lasted 3 hours and I spent 3 hours in the recovery.  They worked on the lower 3 disks and the 8 pinched nerves that were affected.

My brother was here staying with me one day and since he has worked in surgery for 50 years I asked him about my hospital gown during surgery.  He said, “Oh, we take them completely OFF during back surgery.”  What?  Do you mean that they saw me COMPLETELY NAKED before they flipped me over!!  Ugh.  I wonder who did all the counting of the scars.....ACL, abdominal, gall bladder, breast, and bilateral neck (ear to ear)?  They must have thought I was a cadaver that gets practiced on.  Well, now I have a scar on my BACK!  Four days before the surgery, I tripped in my bedroom and ended up with a black eye, cut on my eyebrow and got a HUGE bruise on the leg that DIDN'T have the  scar.  So, when I returned from the hospital the day after surgery, I was full of new bruises, (my back end, sides of my breasts from wires for the nerves to be watched, and all over my arm where they put the Iv's).  You would have thought I had been in a car accident!

 I am now walking without pain in my legs and feet and back that I was having.  Of course, my most pain at this time is due to the surgery; the incision, chronic pain, (like I've been running a long way), in my side while sitting; muscle cramping, (one night enough discomfort that I raided the frig and drank about 6 oz of pickle juice) and general tiredness.  I'm sure most of this will gradually take a hike! 

I have been supported by calls, texts, e-mails, visits, food and more food, AND 45 greeting cards!  WHAT?  At first, I got a couple of cards before I had the surgery wishing me luck and then EVERY DAY I have been getting the cutest and beautiful cards!  I have been so surprised!  I haven't gotten this many cards since I was in the hospital for 2 weeks in 1980 when I had cancer.  Murphy just smiles and has been teasing me that I am the CLASS QUEEN!  I really am humbled.  Some cards have been so funny that I laugh out loud.  The sentiments written to me in the e-mails and cards are way too kind and have made me feel overwhelmed with pride at being a part of such a close knit and caring group.  Hugs to all. (Can you see me do my royal wave here?)

Murphy and I could not have gotten through this first week without the help of Ernie Castaneda Bullion and neighbor, Joanna Simmons Moreau '69. They have brought food several times and been a sitter and supporter every day checking on me and seeing if there was something they could do to help me or Murphy. Thanks for getting us through the hardest times.  Love you both.

It hasn't been easy for Murphy.  Some people are natural caregivers.  My husband, not so much.  So, any effort to do for me and help me has been from the heart.  Some times he gets snippy, but then he must decide to overcome it because the next time he does my request without a problem.  He had to learn to use the debit card for the first time.  The cashiers at Market Basket and CVS were really kind and showed him how, (each of those machines are different in every store!)  See, you can teach an old dog new tricks.  Somehow though, he figured out how to make a withdrawal at the 5 point Credit Union WITHOUT any trouble.  We even had to “celebrate” our 43rd anniversary during surgery week.  Hmmm.  Hopefully, next year we can paint the town.  I guess if I'm QUEEN then my husband must be KING MURF!  I wouldn't have wanted to spend 43 years with any one else.  Love you loads. 



O God, Master of this passing world,

hear the humble voices of your children.

The Sea of Galilee obeyed Your order

and returned to its former quietude.


You are still the Master of land and sea.

We live in the shadow of a danger over which we have no control:

the Gulf, like a provoked and angry giant,

can awake from its seeming lethargy,

overstep its conventional boundaries,

invade our land, and spread chaos and disaster.


During this hurricane season we turn to You, O loving Father.

Spare us from past tragedies whose memories are still so vivid

and whose wounds seem to refuse to heal with passing of time.


O Virgin, Star of the Sea, Our beloved Mother, we ask you

to plead with your Son on our behalf,

so that spared from the calamities common to this area

and animated with a true spirit of gratitude,

we will walk in the footsteps of your Divine Son

to reach the heavenly Jerusalem,

where a storm-less eternity awaits us. Amen.



Carl Bodin '68, (married to Martha Lipe '69), is at home under hospice care.  Please pray that he passes peacefully to his heavenly home.  Prayers for this family and especially for my bestie, Martha.


Our hearts are broken.  Both Martha and Carl grew up in Lakeview with me and then we reconnected in 1978 when we realized we moved across from each other in Bridge City.  Our children have grown up together and we have remained attached at the hip even after we moved to Lumberton after Hurricane Ike destroyed our home. 

342 Roberts

Bridge City, TX 77611


a note from Carolyn McCollum Elender in Houston

I survived bilateral stage one breast cancer last summer.  I only had radiation and I've had two all-clear check ups.


update on Leo Carl “Brit” Pingleton

July 27

I wanted everyone to know that as of the 19th, the high grade papillary urothellial carcinoma of the bladder was successfully eliminated from the inside wall.  I am on the road to recovery.  Also, my prior and recent back surgery was a huge success as well!  GOD IS GOOD!!!

4120 32nd St

Port Arthur, TX 77642


Jeanette Constantine Morgan's mom has been in and out of health facilities for several months now. 

July 29

I am sitting with my mom today and she is looking so much better.  I see an improvement every day.  Thank you, Jesus.  Our prayers are being answered.

3901 Hwy 366

Groves, TX 77619


from Elizabeth “Liz” Ellis Tieskens in Colorado

I am doing very well following my hip repair...twp separate pins were placed to help with the fractured hip. I am now walking without a walker or a cane...I am going to physical therapy twice a week to help improve my balance and strength. I have been concerned for quite some time with some intestinal issues...weight loss, fatigue, digestive probs...recent tests say I have IBD. Meds have been started so I am very hopeful for good results. Fear of something much worse have been ruled out and we are so grateful to God for his blessings. Our twin grandbaby girls came home from NICU a week ago and are doing so very well. Both Annabelle and Everly are both weighing in the 5+ lb. range. They still have oxygen provided but are so incredibly adorable and robust, we can hardly believe it. Their twin brothers have welcomed them home and are very sweet with them. Oli and Elijah are 2 ½ and all boy in every sense of the word. What a full household they have. So glad I am regaining my health and my strength so I can be of greater help to them. We are so blessed!!! Keep us in your prayers please.


Debbie Borres Desmond's son, Ray was released out of the hospital after being diagnosed with blood clots in the lungs.  He had several complications during his stay but seems to be doing better now.  Thanks for the prayers during this time.


Mary Wells is having cataract surgery Monday, Aug. 1

3740 Suncrest

Groves, TX 77611


update on Sandra Tauzin Flores' husband, Richard

July 30

Just want to let everyone know that I have the best family in the world. And I want to let them know how much I appreciate them. Last Tuesday when Richard's therapist told us he didn't qualify for any more therapy but he needed to keep walking to get better, I sent a mass text to my kids, grand kids and nephew. I can't help him walk by my self. It's a 2 person job. The immediate response I got was heart warming. They each picked a day of the week. Richard has walked everyday since then and I have them lined up for the next week. Thank you all so much. It means a lot to both of us. I love you all so very much. It is so nice to be able to go to the store when I need to and not have to get a sitter for Richard.  I thought I would miss my truck, but I love the convenience of my new SUV.  Richard is walking everyday and has also he can get out of the house everyday now that I have another vehicle.  I can see a glimmer of light at the end of the very long tunnel.  His hands and arms are a little better, too.  I caught him rubbing his eye and scratching his nose last night.  He still can't do the other side, yet but hopefully soon.  His B12 shots and vitamin D are helping with his healing of muscles and nerves.  GOD IS GOOD. 

6118 17th St.  

Port Arthur, TX 77642


Norma Gayle Guidry Rose recently had a thyroid biopsy.  She is awaiting the results on Aug.8.  She has concern also because her brother has had thyroid cancer.  Please keep her in your prayers for her strength of mind.

1033 Caliste Olivier Rd

Breaux Bridge, LA 70517


My nephew, Ryan Valure, will be receiving his father's kidney on Aug. 23.  He has previously received his mother's kidney.  He has to start his anti rejection medicine on Aug. 2.  At this time, testing is showing that his rejection rate is 14%.  If all goes well with this medicine then his rate should go down to 4%.  The medicine costs $10,000 but the insurance has informed them that they will pay a portion.  He has to stay out of crowds for most of the time he is taking it.  The doctors said that the medicine is very potent and he will be “down” with it at least the first two weeks.  Ryan is 35.  He has had to be on dialysis every night at home for months while getting tested for this next transplant.  The doctors said he will probably need a third transplant in the future.  I don't remember what his kidney disease is called but he did not know of his condition until he was in graduate school.  Please continue prayers for him and his family.




Donnie DeLee '68

March 28, 1950 - July 14, 2016

Gone too soon.


Jesse DeLee

24165 IH10 W, Ste. 217-423

San Antonio, TX 75257


Donnie, Steve Baker and I met in the 10th grade when we were in the band and Mr. Rowland's homeroom together. The three of us became friends for life. The story I always like to tell is that Donnie and I were so nervous to go “across the river” that we waited until we were in college and OVER the age in Louisiana to go.  We were still a nervous wreck!  What a great time we had together.  Steve passed away in 2002.


Donnie had not been attending our previous class reunions when we found each other again and he wanted to try to see what they were like. So, we set him up to come to the 45th in August of 2013.  His health was not great and he could not drive.  His brother, Jesse got air tickets and made sure he had a ride from the Jack Brooks airport to the hotel close to Jimmy Johnson Blvd.  Mike Lawson was kind enough to pick him up so that he could come to the Saturday night dinner/social/dance.  His eyes sparkled the whole time and he never stopped smiling.  The following e-mail is what I received the NEXT DAY:


Thank you so much for helping me hitch a ride with Mike Lawson to the reunion shindig. It was great meeting old friends and acquaintances.  Wow, so many old memories came back last night.

(He was looking forward to the 50th.  RIP, old buddy)


Kay Campbell Netherland

(death of her mother, Marie Campbell)

July 18, 2016


4119 Timberleaf

Port Arthur, TX 77642


Gary Hammond

(death of his mother, Mary Frances Hammond)

July 23, 2016


5321 Seascape Ln

Plano, TX 75093-4121


Brenda Schlaudt TJ '70

        June 18, 2016


Alison Smith TJ '70

      May 14, 2016


Linda DeCuir McFadden

(death of her brother-in-law)

Theodore J. “Teddy” Landry, Jr.

Dec. 21, 1939 – June 9, 2016


7699 Boardwalk

Lumberton, TX 77657


My brother-in-law, Teddy Landry was mentioned in the last NEWSLETTER.  I have now been able to publish his obit in the OBITUARIES tab in our website along with all those mentioned above.



I have spent several hours over three days writing this NEWSLETTER but had to do it in many attempts.  I still can't sit for lengths of time in one spot.  I appreciate you reading it and contacting those that need some comfort or cheering up, just like you did for me.




                                           Stay in touch and contact a classmate,

                                           Linda DeCuir McFadden




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