TJ Class of '68     NEWSLETTER                                                           06/17/11


Hot enough for you?
from Fred McCarty in Kingwood
Besides moving into our new home and selling our former home in April, our oldest son Matt got married in early May.  Matt and his wife, Heather are living in Columbus, GA where he is now stationed at Ft. Benning.  In mid-May our youngest son, Brian, received his MBA from Rice University which was also an exciting time for us.  He and his wife live in Houston.  With the move and all this excitement, we decided we needed some time off, and we spent nine days in Destin, FL in late May.  While there, I talked to Christy Dodge Young by phone, but did not get to see her.  We will try to get together when we return to Destin in the fall. 
from Linda Blakley Rindlishbacher in Oroville, CA
Thanks to all for the wonderful birthday messages I received this week.  I had a perfect day.  My kids and grandkids were over most of the day to swim, followed by dinner at Applebees.  When I returned home I was totally shocked by a surprise party in my honor.  I screamed so loud I scared the heck out of one of my grandsons, Darion.  It was a super awesome birthday!
from Stephen Simonton in Orange
I was looking at the '68 website and thought I would say HELLO.
I seems like we have had a lot of ill health here lately.  My dad fell in the bathtub and has been hobbling about with a bad case of sacroriliitis.  He has been to the doctor twice for steroid shots.  He does seem to be improving as of late.  My sister's mental health has deteriorated due to many stressful events.  It really doesn't take much when you are bi-polar to tip the scales one way or the other.  When you pile several occurrences together, something has to give, which sadly seems to be sanity.  The doctor is trying to change her depression medicine to help her out.  We all know that new meds take awhile to adjust in your body!!!  Stay tuned.  My gastro exam went pretty well, no malignancies, several polyps were removed.  I have a CAT scan of my stomach scheduled this Wednesday.
On a good note, Murphy seems to be getting the hang of this retirement thing.  We are able to enjoy the two granddaughters on the weekends without having to plan around his work shift schedule as before.  The girls are entered in the PA YMCA kid's triathlon this weekend.  (I noticed that two classmates are on the PA YMCA Board of  Directors.....Bobby Williamson and Ronnie Moerbe.)  The  girls  participated in a kid's triathlon in College Station last weekend.  They had 190 entered from 6 years to 15 years of age.   We are looking forward to my niece's wedding in New Orleans on the 25th of June.  We had planned to stay three days and two nights to try to get in some museums but have to shortened it due to my sister's health.  Maybe another time Murphy and I can return and relax a bit more and see the sights and eat, eat, eat.  What?  Did I say that?  I meant just ONE "eat".
Banter on FACEBOOK
(Posted by Hal Ross)
"Some circumstantial evidence is very good, as when you find a trout in the milk".
(Explanation after several classmates asked about the meaning of it)
from Hal:
"Am I the only Thoreau fan here?  Unscrupulous milk vendors would top off the milk barrels by dipping water from a pond, so if you found a fish in your milk, it was pretty good evidence your milk got watered.  Not that someone put a fish in your milk pail."
"I thought the quote was particularly relevant to today's fix everything quick attitude.  Thoreau was poking fun knowing the trout wasn't the real problem, just the most apparent.  It seems to me that still today people are looking for easy answers and our milk is still getting watered down."
(Well, that is the lesson for this NEWSLETTER edition.  I think we might have found a new "job" for Hal now that he is retiring!  I wonder if he can come up with another LESSON in two weeks!)
(a note from Loretta LaLonde)
We are still waiting on results on our daughter's spinal tap.  She will see her doctor on Thursday. 
Irene Protas Heath
(death of her mother, Frances Protas)
11415 Charred Oak Dr.
Austin, TX 78759
This is a short edition this time due to lack of mail from the classmates.  But, the good news is that you will have extra time to check out many of the sections in our website that you have neglected for awhile. 
                            Stay in touch and contact a classmate,
                             Linda DeCuir McFadden




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